Assessing The Extent of Storm Damage In Your Home and What to Do About It

Natural disasters can strike at any moment, leaving a path of storm damage and destruction in their wake. While storms are unpredictable and often unavoidable, it’s essential to be prepared to minimize the damage and protect your home and loved ones.

Assessing the extent of the damage in your home is a critical first step in the storm damage restoration process. The damage caused by storms can vary widely, from minor cosmetic issues to significant structural damage. The longer you wait to assess and repair the damage, the worse it can become, which can ultimately result in costly and time-consuming repairs.

This blog post will discuss how to assess the need for storm damage repairs in your home and what to do about it. We will cover everything from identifying different types of damage to documenting the damage and working with your insurance company. We will also provide tips for choosing a storm damage restoration business.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you’ll be better equipped to assess the damage caused by a storm and take appropriate action to repair and protect your home. Let’s get started.

Assessing Storm Damage

After a storm has passed, it’s essential to inspect your home for any damage before starting storm damage clean-up. The damage caused by storms can take many forms; it’s crucial to identify all damage types so that you know what repairs will be necessary. Some common types of storm damage include:

  • Roof damage: Heavy winds, hail, and fallen trees can cause severe damage to your roof, including missing shingles, cracks, and leaks.
  • Water damage: Floods and heavy rains can cause water damage to your home, leading to mold growth, wood rot, and structural damage.
  • Electrical damage: Lightning strikes and power surges can damage your electrical systems, leaving your home without power or putting your appliances at risk.

To inspect your home for storm damage, start by looking for any visible signs of damage on the exterior of your home. Check for missing or damaged shingles, cracked windows, and dented gutters. Inside your home, look for signs of water damage, such as stains on the walls or ceilings, and check your electrical systems for any signs of damage or malfunction.

If you are unsure if your home is safe to inspect, we recommend letting a professional inspect it. Your safety should be your top priority.

If you inspect your home yourself, taking safety precautions is essential. Wear protective gear, such as gloves and a hard hat, and avoid climbing on your roof or touching any electrical equipment that may be damaged. 

If you suspect your home may have structural damage or your electrical systems may be compromised, contact a professional immediately.

By identifying all types of storm damage and taking appropriate safety measures during the inspection, you’ll be better equipped to repair the damage and prevent further issues from arising.

Documenting Storm Damage

After assessing your home for storm damage, it’s crucial to document all the damage you find. This documentation will be essential when you file an insurance claim and can also help you keep track of the repairs needed to restore your home.

To document storm damage, start by taking photos and videos of all damage types. Be sure to take close-up shots of any visible damage and wider shots that show the extent of the damage in each affected area. If possible, take photos from multiple angles to provide a comprehensive view of the damage.

In addition to taking photos and videos, taking detailed notes of all the damage you find is important. Write down the location and extent of the damage, as well as any other relevant details, such as the date and time of the storm and the weather conditions at the time.

It’s also a good idea to document any repairs you make, including the date of the repair, the cost, and the contractor who performed the work. This information can help you keep track of your repair expenses and provide evidence to your insurance company if needed.

Working With Your Insurance Company

If a storm has damaged your home, you’ll likely need to file a claim with your insurance company during the storm damage clean-up process. While insurance can help alleviate the financial burden of storm damage, the claims process can be complicated and time-consuming. Here are some tips for working with your insurance company:

  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible: Most insurance companies require that you file a claim within a certain timeframe after the storm. Be sure to contact your insurance company as soon as possible to ensure that you meet any deadlines. Otherwise, you could be left paying for all the storm damage alone. We don’t want that! 
  • Provide detailed documentation: When you file a claim, provide your insurance company with detailed documentation of all storm damage, including photos, videos, and notes. The more information you provide, the more likely your claim will be approved.
  • Work with your adjuster: Your insurance company will likely assign an adjuster to assess the damage to your home. Be sure to work with your adjuster and provide them with any additional information they may need. Ask questions and ensure you understand the claims process and what your policy covers.

The claims process can be lengthy, especially if there are many claims in your area. Try to be patient, and follow up with your insurance company regularly to ensure that your claim is being processed.

Repairing Storm Damage

Once you’ve assessed and documented the storm damage in your home, it’s time to start the storm damage restoration process. Here are some steps to take in relation to storm damage repairs:

  • Prioritize safety: As we said above, before starting any repairs, prioritize safety. If there are any structural issues or potential hazards, such as broken glass or exposed wiring, make sure to address them before the repairs.
  • Hire a reputable contractor: When hiring a contractor to make repairs, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable company. Look for companies with good reviews, references, and certifications.
  • Make necessary repairs: Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need to repair your roof, windows, siding, or other areas of your home. Work with your contractor during the storm damage clean-up process to prioritize repairs and ensure all necessary repairs are made.
  • Keep track of expenses: Keep track of all expenses related to your storm damage repairs, including the cost of materials and labor. This information can be useful when filing an insurance claim or for tax purposes.

By following these steps, you can make the necessary repairs to your home and ensure it is safe and secure. Don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals for help and guidance throughout the repair process.

When Disaster Strikes, Call Western Disaster Clean Up for Expert Storm Damage Restoration

If your home has been affected by storm damage, it’s important to act quickly to minimize the damage and start the recovery process. At Western Disaster Clean Up, we understand how stressful and overwhelming it can be to deal with storm damage, and we’re here to help.

Our team of experts has the knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle any type of storm damage clean-up, from small issues to large clean-ups. We’ll quickly and efficiently restore your home to its pre-damage condition so you can return to your normal routine as soon as possible.

Don’t let storm damage disrupt your life any longer than necessary. Contact Western Disaster Clean Up today by calling us at 385-381-6254 or by using our online form, and let’s get you started on the road to recovery. Our team is available 24/7 to provide emergency services and support when you need it most.

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