Coping After a House Fire: 5 Tips For a Smooth Transition

When you are the victim of a house fire, your life changes forever. You will likely remember the heartache and hopelessness you felt the moment you saw your home going up in flames. 

Coping after a house fire generally gets easier with time, but processing the events in your life immediately following a house fire can be difficult, even for the most mentally capable persons.

Whether a house fire starts at night or happens when you are away from your home for the day, recovery can be challenging.

Here are some ways you can cope with your situation that will help your transition back to a new normal life. You Experienced a House Fire, Take Your Situation Seriously

1.You Experienced a House Fire, Take Your Situation Seriously

A house fire is no minor crisis. The damage that fire causes can severely compromise the integrity of your home and can sweep up and destroy all your cherished belongings faster than first responders can arrive to save them. 

When you lose your home and belongings to a house fire, the overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and fear can overwhelm you. Many people struggle to process the feelings that come with disaster. In some cases, the feelings you may experience may inhibit your ability to make decisions and function normally. 

Refusing to acknowledge that you may be impaired by the emotions brought on by your circumstances can cloud your judgment on decisions that should be made with astute mental awareness. 

Instead of trying to bear your burdens stoically, appreciate your hardships. Once you recognize that things are hard and appreciate the stress you are under, you take back control of your situation. Acknowledging a fear or struggle can diminish the fear or struggles you face. 

If you are experiencing severe symptoms of loss and helplessness, do yourself a favor and get some help. In hindsight, you will likely recognize the value of this simple act. 

2.Take Things One Day at a Time When Recovering From Fire Damage

When disaster strikes, you will likely feel an overwhelming desire to get everything done at once. You know you need to contact your insurance and start rebuilding your home, all while keeping up with work, family, and the rest of your life.

The overwhelming stress can take a heavy mental toll on you. Rather than burying yourself in your stress and hopelessness, get organized and focus only on one thing at a time. 

Make a checklist of specific, actionable things you need to do in your disaster recovery. Prioritize your list based on the most immediate or important needs. By concentrating on one thing at a time and keeping a list of actionable items, you can increase your focus and effectiveness as you are recovering from your house fire. 

3.Seek out Fire Restoration professionals

When your house suffers from a fire, time is not on your side. If the fire has exposed your home to the elements, making sure the weather can’t cause any further damage to your home is a top priority. 

Likewise, you risk the ill effects of mold damage from the water used to put out your house fire. In a few days, your home is likely to be a breeding ground for mold and other fungi.

Once first responders designate your home as safe to enter, call in a damage restoration crew with the tools, talent, and workforce to help. 

The best way to avoid further damage is by starting the recovery process immediately. Damage restoration professionals are generally available 24/7, so there’s no need to wait to get help.

Disaster recovery specialists can help you repair the damage inflicted by natural events. They can assist you with temporary fixes to a problem and help you get your life back together faster than you could on your own. 

4.File a Claim With Your Insurance

After you have started organizing the recovery of your home, contact your insurance company when you can and begin a claim. 

The speed at which you receive financial assistance from your insurance company relates to how soon you file a claim after an incident. The longer you wait, the longer you will be without help. 

Be thorough when you are documenting your fire damage recovery efforts. Save receipts from related expenses, take lots of pictures, and keep your insurance appraised of any significant changes. Most of the time, your insurance will reimburse you for the money you spend repairing your home. 

  1. Seek Help From the Government and Non-profit Organizations

The government has programs that help vulnerable people. When you experience a house fire, your finances might not be enough to help you recover financially. 

Sometimes even your insurance can find excuses as to why they cannot cover your claim. The government has a lot of social safety net programs available for people in bad situations. 

If a widespread disaster has damaged your home, the federal government and your local state government will organize relief efforts for the disaster’s victims. You may be familiar with FEMA. It is the branch of government established to oversee disaster relief and help citizens get back on their feet. 

Other notable organizations like the Red Cross and Unicef also go into disaster zones to provide much-needed relief. You will also find a myriad of smaller non-profit and religious organizations to step in and help fulfill your needs. 

FEMA is most often associated with widescale disasters, but it can also help with individual households. The Individuals and Households Program helps eligible persons in need of extra assistance.

If you are having trouble working with your insurance company to get all the funds you need to repair your home after a house fire, FEMA and its IHP program can help fill in the gaps.

Western Disaster Cleanup—Your Local Helping Hand

House fires and organizing fire restoration efforts for your home can quickly become stressful. The emotional effects of a home fire can leave you emotionally compromised, making it more challenging to work through repairs and recovery. You need someone you can count on to help you do the heavy lifting. 

Our professionals here at Western Disaster Recovery are ready to help you rebuild your home.
Disasters don’t come at convenient times, but we do. Contact us right now if you need help recovering from fire or water damage.


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