6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Repairing Smoke Damage

Experiencing a property fire is undoubtedly harrowing, but a trusted and knowledgeable smoke damage repair team will make this event less stressful and overwhelming. 

A house fire is a scary event that over 358,000 U.S. homeowners experience each year. Various facts like cooking accidents, electrical problems, smoking, and other incidents may lead to a house fire. If left unchecked or unsupervised, the tiniest spark could quickly turn into a furious inferno, often leaving your property extremely damaged.

Not only is this entire experience traumatizing, but there are also many other negative effects and repercussions that they must deal with in the following months, especially if the fire caused damage to the property, such as smoke and soot.

Once the flames of a house fire die down and the smoke dissipates, you might think all of the damage is done, and nothing could get worse. However, many might not know that not taking specific action (or the wrong action) may worsen the damage.

If you have recently had a property fire, and you’re wondering what happens next, you’re in the right place. There are a lot of things to understand about fire and smoke damage cleaning; specifically certain things you should avoid doing that could make matters even worse for yourself.

Thankfully, swift action and quick responders can manage and remediate fire and smoke damage repair with relative ease. Fire damage cleanup is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. Because of this, homeowners make a few common mistakes when repairing smoke damage.

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Repairing smoke damage: 6 common mistakes to avoid

A property fire is already one of the most devastating events a homeowner can endure. Making mistakes in how a person handles it all could make matters even worse. If you want to avoid common mistakes while smoke damage cleaning, here’s what you need to know:

Mistake #1 — Not making safety your highest priority

Fire and smoke cleanup is not only a daunting task; this process is also extremely hazardous. Ignoring safety precautions is one of the worst things you can do. To avoid this mistake, make sure you:

  • Wear proper safety gear — In addition to gloves, eye protection, and breathing masks, it is critical to wear appropriate clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, and close-toed shoes, to protect yourself against sharp debris and contaminants.
  • Turn off water and power — Turning off the water and power supply to your property is crucial to prevent water and electrical-related accidents. We advise that everyone look over their checklist to ensure all safety measures have been addressed before stating the cleanup process.
  • Debris and hazards — Before beginning your clean up, the area needs to be clear of all debris and potential hazards. It’s not uncommon for falling debris, loose or unsteady floors, or misplaced equipment to be present at the scene of a property fire. These all pose serious risks to anyone involved in the clean up and must be careful.

Mistake #2 — Forgetting to document damage for insurance 

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to forget to document your property’s damage for insurance purposes. In all of the commotion and distress of a house fire, it’s easy to let that slip your mind; however, documenting property damage for insurance is crucial if you want financial help from them.

Make sure you thoroughly document any signs of damage, including:

  • Videos
  • Photos
  • Written descriptions

Proper documentation of your property is essential for insurance claims and ensures that your device is compensated fairly. Before you touch anything, take pictures and videos and contact your insurance company to determine any other courses of action you need to take.

Mistake #3 — Not cleaning up the scene properly

After a property fire, the cleanup process needs to be meticulous:

  • Hidden debris and damage — Fires often leave behind hidden debris and damage, especially in attics, crawl spaces, or basements, which go unnoticed. The combination of ash and water will create nearly perfect conditions for mold to grow. Rely on knowledgeable and experienced professionals to identify these hidden pockets of damage.
  • Soot and smoke residue — The fallout from a property fire is not always visible to the naked eye. Smoke and soot residue may permeate ceilings and walls, making it crucial to inspect and clean their surfaces completely. Professionals will know exactly how to handle this.

Mistake #4 — Disregarding the emotional impact of a house fire

A harrowing event like a property fire undoubtedly will take a toll on anyone. It’s easy for homeowners to disregard their emotions and jump into action without acknowledging the emotional toll and weight that fire and smoke damage can have on themselves and their families.

We cannot stress enough the importance of emotional support. Finding resources to cope with this traumatic and stressful experience is essential. The emotional wellbeing of all involved parties is equally as important as the physical clean up process. 

Mistake #5 — Delaying the cleanup and restoration process

Another common mistake among those amid fire damage is that they do not take swift-enough action. Delaying the cleanup and restoration process after a house fire may result in further damage to your property. Soot, smoke, and ash will continue to spread throughout your home or business, causing permanent damage to porous surfaces and materials, such as drywall, carpet, wood floors, and furniture.

Delaying action may also lead to mold growth, which could cause health issues. To avoid delays in the clean up process, have a trusted restoration company on speed dial, and call your insurance company as soon as you are able to start restoring your property.

Remember, the longer you take to begin the cleanup and remediation process, the more damage will occur, and the more it will cost to repair. It’s important to note that some insurance companies may not cover additional damages if you wait too long. 

Mistake #6 — Attempting a DIY job 

Choosing not to hire a professional smoke damage cleaning, remediation and restoration specialist is one of the worst mistakes a homeowner could make after a property fire. Professionals have the knowledge, equipment, and experience necessary for an effective and efficient clean up, including advanced techniques and industry secrets, like thermal imaging to detect hidden signs of damage.

A bathroom with a shower and a toilet, undergoing smoke damage repair and cleaning.

Let Western Disaster Clean Up help with your smoke damage repair!

While there are some things to be done to avoid house fires, accidents happen, and the need for smoke damage repair is necessary. If the worst does occur, remember to avoid these common mistakes and contact the professionals at Western Disaster Clean Up.

Our trusted and knowledgeable team has handled thousands of property disasters, such as fire and smoke damage, sewage backups, mold remediation, and more. Whether your property experiences water damage or is severely damaged by a fire, our crew has the experience to get your home or business completely restored.

We pride ourselves on prompt customer service and high-quality work. We know that quick responses and superior results are key in these situations, which is why we’re dedicated to providing that kind of service. We are proud of our reputation, so you can expect high-quality results and reliable communication, regardless of the day or time.

We are located across the Wasatch Front and Back and service areas like Orem, Draper, Park City, Millcreek, Lindon, West Jordan, Salt Lake City, and other surrounding cities. Contact us today to learn more!

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